About Dani Guardiola
Software engineer, math and physics enthusiast.

Thanks for visiting my little blog 😊. Some quick facts about me:
- 🤖 Automattician and WordPress core contributor.
- 🎨 Software developer specialized in web development and design systems.
- 🎓 Math and physics part-time student at UGR (University of Granada, Spain).
- 🎵 Music lover, although I don't have much time to jam these days!
- 🌍 Born and based in Spain. I love traveling and often work remotely from different locations.
- 💙 Always having fun, always learning, always building.
- ✊🏽 Advocate for free and open source software and hardware, the right to repair, and privacy.
- 🌱 Kindness over profit. Collaboration over competition. Building for humans over building for money.
Find me on Twitter and GitHub, or email me at hi@daniguardio.la (PGP public key: pgp.dio.la).
Enjoy my site!